EFCC Estonian Fieldbus Competency Centre OÜ
EFCC Estonian Fieldbus Competency Centre is a private company founded in 2015 with main office in Tallinn, Estonia.
EFCC is specialized in helping customers (schools, universities and companies) to reap the benefits of innovation through education and socialization activities at every level, like training courses, conferences, publications ...

Karavan Insan Kaynaklarini Gelistirme ve Genclik Dernegi
In 2016, as an NGO, 'Caravan Human Resources Development and Youth Organisation' was created.Since its inception, the organization has been instrumental in implementing all relevant EU and national initiatives financed primarily in the areas of youth, adult education and culture ...

Euroactiva supports VET learners, teachers ,school staffs in their European mobility project from Belgium to Turkey and other European countries. Every year we give many young people from around Europe the opportunity to have work experience in Brussels, thanks to our many partner companies and organizations ...
www.euroactiva.euBrussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest

VsI Inovaciju biuras (Innovation Office) creates supportive environment for people’s activity, creativity and innovations. Although Innovation Office’s main focus is on creativity and entrepreneurship, however organization encourages people to be active in many fields as innovations could be grown only if person has open mind and has broad point of view ...

EDU 4 U is a non-governmental organization- association that was established to support and satisfy the educational, social and cultural needs of different target groups.The aim of the organization is to provide and promote the activities on local, national and international level in the field of education, social and cultural activities as well as to promote friendly relationship with foreign countries ...

The Academy for International Science and Research (AISR) is a private Academy and Research Institute specialising in Teacher and Coach Training, Mental Health, and Business and STEM (B-STEM). We also develop educational technology including games, apps and educational software, learning management systems and Augmented Reality (AR). AISR uses Neuro Linguistic Psychology, Neurosensory Psychology with neuroscience applications to coaching and well-being for delivering training and for developing curriculum for the well-being industry.