Lietuva    VSI INOVACIJU BIURAS (E10075850 - LT)

A.1. Transnational Project Meeting in Lithuania

Partners reviewed the interim report findings and the progress achieved to date, setting new deadlines for the upcoming phase of the project.

29/02/2024 01/03/2024
Lietuva    VSI INOVACIJU BIURAS (E10075850 - LT)

A.2. Production of CE+ Escape Room Games

The CE+ Escape Room Games enable youth to learn about seven various sectors of the circular economy in a non-formal learning environment.

01/01/2024 30/04/2024
Lietuva    VSI INOVACIJU BIURAS (E10075850 - LT)

A.3. Virtual Piloting of the Escape Games

The partners organised virtual events to pilot the CE+ escape room games.

01/05/2024 31/05/2024
Lietuva    VSI INOVACIJU BIURAS (E10075850 - LT)

A.4. National Multiplier Events

The final multiplier events served as a platform to showcase the project’s key outcomes, share insights, and demonstrate best practices to a wider audience of stakeholders, including youth, educators, and businesses. These events highlighted the project's impact, offered actionable tools, and fostered discussions on how to implement the developed solutions. They aimed to inspire ongoing engagement and encourage the adoption of the project’s results for broader societal benefit.

01/06/2024 30/06/2024
Belgija    EUROACTIVA (E10243663 - BE)

A.5. Transnational Project Meeting in Belgium

Partners reviewed the overall progress, evaluated key outcomes, and reflected on the project's impact. Discussions focused on finalising deliverables, sharing best practices, and ensuring long-term sustainability of the project’s results. The meeting served as a crucial moment to celebrate achievements, address any final challenges, and outline future collaboration opportunities.

01/07/2024 31/07/2024