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Transnational online project meeting (Slovakia)


Erasmus+ project called "Gamification, Digitalization and Practical Tools for Developing Circular Economy Skills" focuses on providing sectoral employment skills through non-formal learning activities, especially for young people with fewer opportunities (NEETs, migrant youth, etc.) to reduce youth unemployment.


The goal of the project is to teach circular economy knowledge to young people through the development of digital learning tools. This activity is related to the priorities of the Erasmus+ program and it is relatively innovative in the field of youth.

Transnational online meeting (Slovakia)

15 February 2024

  • Finalized Circular Economy Handbook and started translation process;
  • Discussed the Internim Report and all needed details for it;
  • Shared the progress, questions, and planned dates for online webinars.
  • Desiced the date for next online meeting;
  • Reviewed first draft of online escape room game;

Transnational meeting in Letterkeny, Ireland

Green and Circular Skills Handbook (EN) is READY!

  • The CE+ Handbook provides in-depth knowledge, key concepts, definitions, and innovative teaching methods and approaches for green skills acquisition for youth workers and businesses. In this way, it aims to acquire green skills through non-formal and peer learning activities.
  • The handbook will consist of 3 parts. These:
    1. The current situation in the countries and the needs analysis report of the target audience;
    2. Methodological framework of circular and green skills;
    3. Non-formal learning activities on circular and green skills.

What’s next? - Webinars

Circular economy and green skills virtual courses for young people, youth workers, and business representatives, consisting of three modules:

  • Baseline requirements in a circular economy;
  • Digital-green and sectoral skills;
  • Circular business design models;

After the translation trainer training will be given to 30 youth operators in total.


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