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Transnational project meeting (Bruxelles)


The 9th and 10th of September 2024 the final TPM of the CE+ Project was held in Bruxelles, at the Nhow Brussels Bloom hotel. Participating Partners: EFCC (Estonia), Euroactiva (Belgium), EDU4U (Slovakia), AISR (Ireland) and VSI (Lithuania).

Transnational project meeting (Bruxelles)

Following and introduction of Euroactiva and Belgium culture, the meeting started with a discussion about the injustified absence of the turkish partner Karavan, where the responsible person is Mr. Cihan Kocaman, that, though formally invited to the TPM, didn’t attend and didn’t prepare the material that was mandatory to bring to the TPM in Bruxelles.

The partners then afforded the main subjects that still have to be developed or improved: missing videos and webinars, escape room games, multiplier events and dissemination activities.

After the lunch break, offered by Euroactiva in a traditional restaurant, the Partners could visit the EU Parlament building.

The second day the Partners discussed more in detail about the escape room games and the multiplier events to be planned, setting some common points.

An agenda was set for the ativities to be performed before the next online meeting, planned 30/09/2024.

After the conclusion of the meeting, Euroactiva guided the other partner to a visit of the European Parlament.

Transnational meeting (Bruxelles)

During the meeting...

  • Discussed about missing videos, webinars and escape room games;
  • Discussed about the project website and the dissemination activities;
  • Discussed about multiplier events;
  • Shared the progress, questions, and planned date for next online meeting.

Transnational meeting

Videos and webinars

In the course of CE+ Project, the Partners produced many videos and webinars, that are now available on the website

The CE+ Webinars were compiled into a Circular Economy Virtual Course to provide cutting-edge training to develop essential circular skills for youth, youth workers, and businesses. Built around three modules, the course focuses on actionable strategies for a sustainable future. Each partner was assigned two topics and made a series of webinars targeted at the project’s three stakeholder groups: Youth, Youth worker and Businesses.

To make the Handbook’s content more readily available, the partners also developed a series of six videos that serve as concise summaries of each element within the methodological framework. These videos offer a dynamic and accessible format for stakeholders to grasp the key concepts and strategies outlined in the handbook. Through visually engaging content and clear narration, the videos provide an overview of the framework's components, enabling users to quickly grasp the essential principles and apply them effectively in their respective contexts


Escape Room Games

The CE+ Escape Room Games enable youth to learn about seven various sectors of the circular economy in a non-formal learning environment.

The sectors include electronics, packaging, plastics, textiles, construction, food, water, and more.

Each game is designed in alignment with the project objectives and to provide valuable educational content in a gamified way.

Escape Room Games Escape Room Games


EFCC karavan euroactiva inovaciju edu4u aisr-learning